Friday, February 24, 2012

Alveoli, then blown away as the air clears ...

Quitting smoking can help reduce the pain caused by emphysema. Emphysema Treatment usually involves a combination of medicine, surgery and additional oxygen to relieve symptoms and prevent complications. Emphysema is the most common cause of death among respiratory diseases, according to. About two million people in the United States emphysema with men in the 61 percent of these cases. Typically, progressive disease that develops slowly, and most patients at least 50 years old when they are diagnosed. The most common cause of emphysema is smoking, but a small percentage of cases due to genetic mutation that results in failure to synthesize a protein called alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT). This form of emphysema develops more rapidly than otherwise, and may begin to cause symptoms while patients are still in the 30's. When you inhale air moves down the trachea and small airways called bronchi. These airways are the branches that lead to millions of small air sacs called alveoli. Bronchioles and alveoli are usually very elastic and expand as a balloon as they fill with air. Alveoli, then blown away as the air flows during exhalation. Emphysema occurs when the alveoli and bronchioles lose their elasticity and restrict airflow. Bronchioles may fall, which prevents the alveoli from compression entirely. This can lead to enlargement of the alveoli too much and break, leading to shortness of breath characteristic of emphysema. According to, antibiotics can be used against respiratory infections, which are usually a result of emphysema, such as acute bronchitis, influenza and pneumonia. These infections makes breathing more difficult and increase the amount of mucus produced. Broad spectrum antibiotic may be most effective, as they emit a broad spectrum of bacteria, but should be used with caution as they may also increase the number of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. The annual flu shot and pneumonia shot once in five years after the age of 65 is usually recommended for all patients with respiratory disorders such as emphysema. Bronchodilators open the narrowed airways and is most effective in the treatment of asthma, although they can also help relieve wheezing, coughing and dyspnea associated with emphysema. These drugs include:

Inhaled anticholinergic agents such as ipratropium bromide (Atrovent), block the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and causes bronchial muscles to relax. Inhaled beta-sympathomimetic drugs such as salbutamol or terbutalin, mimic the effects of natural substances. Corticosteroids can be inhaled to relieve symptoms of emphysema caused by asthma and bronchitis. Inhaled steroids are not as many side effects as oral steroids, but prolonged use can still cause high blood pressure, bone weakness, cataracts and diabetes. Infusions AAT may slow the progression of emphysema in humans with an inherited form of emphysema. Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) is used to treat severe emphysema by removing small wedges of the most painful parts of the lungs. Although it may seem paradoxical to treat pulmonary dysfunction by removing lung tissue, which creates more space in the chest cavity, which allows remaining healthy tissue lung expansion easier and easier to breathe. According, LVRS involves removing 20 to 30 percent of damaged lungs and can be executed under common anesthesia as thoracoscopy, thoracotomy or sternotomy. Thoracoscopy is a minimally invasive technique that requires only one inch long incision, but can effectively treat any part of the lung. Three incisions are made on the side of the chest between the ribs. Miniature video camera, stapler and grasper inserted through the incisions. The most damaged areas of light and easy to cut closed with staples. The procedure is repeated for the other light, if necessary, and then sutured incisions. Thoracotomy performed in one easy when there are problems with thoracoscopy. One, five 12-mm long incision between two ribs and the ribs separated. Lung decreases, and muscle and skin closed seams. Sternotomy is performed in the treatment of upper lobes of both lungs is required. This is a more aggressive technique involves the creation of the incision through the sternum. After both lungs decreases breast connected together and the skin sutured. LVRS has a higher risk than heart surgery and is one of the highest risk procedures are performed selectively. In general, the prognosis for patients treated with emphysema LVRS and medical therapy is better in two years than the prognosis for patients who received only drug therapy. However, there is a significant subgroup of patients with worse prognosis after surgery. Leakage of air through the seams in the chest cavity is the most common complication, occurring in at least 50 percent of cases. The greatest danger from this side effect of air pressure may become too large and collapse the lungs. Pneumonia (19 percent of cases), especially in patients with previous entry >> << Supplemental oxygen at home may bring some relief to emphysema in patients with buy generic lasix low oxygen levels. This may increase the potential for the exercise and continue existence, but it can not reduce breathlessness. The doctor can be a portable oxygen cylinder, if the patient develops pulmonary hypertension. .

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